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Lishui City Automobile and Motorcycle Parts Industry Association held three one-time membership meetings and licensing ceremony
Source: | Author:demingen | Published time: 2020-09-26 | 2037 Views | Share:

On September 24, Lishui City Automobile and Motorcycle Parts Industry Association held the third first member meeting and licensing ceremony, electing the president, executive president, and executive vice president. Zhejiang Happy Tree Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. was elected as the chairman unit, Zhejiang Brother Star Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Jiangnan Jingjie Aluminum Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Jiali (Lishui) Industrial Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Deming Auto Parts Co., Ltd., etc. Four enterprises in the development zone were elected as executive chairman units. The Association Council specially appointed Zhejiang Tianli Motorcycle Parts Co., Ltd. as the honorary chairman unit. Dai Banghe, deputy mayor of Sanda Group Co., Ltd., attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Liu Zhiwei, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Gathering District (Development Zone), attended the meeting.

Lishui City Automobile and Motorcycle Parts Industry Association is an industry-based, non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by unit members, approved by the Lishui City Economic and Information Commission and registered with the Civil Affairs Bureau. The association was formally established at the end of December 2011. There are currently 106 registered members. In 2017, it was awarded a 5A-level association by the Zhejiang Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau and approved by the Lishui Civil Affairs Bureau. In 2020, it was rated as a brand society in the city by the Lishui Civil Affairs Bureau in 2020. organization.

Dai Banghe pointed out at the meeting that the municipal party committee and government will use the platform "second entrepreneurship" as an opportunity to continuously optimize and integrate various policies to support enterprises, benefit enterprises and strengthen enterprises, and further increase efforts to implement them, relieve enterprises’ difficulties, and relieve enterprises. Difficult. It is hoped that auto and motorcycle parts companies must first have a clear understanding of the situation, face up to the existing difficulties and problems, intensify transformation and innovation, and go all out to strengthen and improve the level of management; second, they must look to the country, strive to be first-class, give full play to advantages, pursue excellence, and start The Lishui auto and motorcycle parts brand will expand and strengthen the Lishui auto and motorcycle parts industry.

The second council of the association earnestly summarized the results of the work of the second council, put forward the work objectives and main tasks of the new council, revised and improved the "constitution" of the association, and elected the third council.

Dai Banghe awarded honorary president Dai Xipeng (right) and honorary president Chen Qinghua (left)

Liu Zhiwei awarded the newly elected president Han Qing a plaque
There are 31 export enterprises in the development zone, contributing more than 20% of the export value. The main export markets are Europe, South America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other places. Among them, Jiali’s "Qiming Lamps" is recognized as a provincial famous trademark and a provincial brand-name product, and it is used for Honda, Toyota and other vehicles supporting automotive lamps; Brother Star’s "Top Scratch" is a provincial famous trademark, covering all Categories and registrations in more than 50 countries, a total of more than 200 trademarks, and 136 patents; Liwei has become the first domestic company to successfully develop and mass-produce the electronically controlled high-pressure common rail injection monopolized by the three major multinational companies after years of research and development. Nozzle companies, their products can meet the requirements of Bosch, Denso, Delphi and other brands of high-pressure common rail products, filling the gap in localization, currently ranking first in the domestic market in the automotive aftermarket, and gradually becoming a global leader Manufacturer of high-pressure common rail parts; in addition, a group of companies such as Tianli Locomotive, Xi'anji Automobile, and Shuangyu Industry also provide support for Weichai, Yuchai, Yunnei and other automakers